Rhetorical Situation Group Worksheet:
For this assignment, I collaborated with:
- Nyah Bajana
- Amina Suzuki
- Kaitlyn Cadena
- Tiffany Calle
Genre: | In the article “Stephen Miller’s Dystopian America,” Jean Guerrero persuades his audience to believe that Stephen Miller is a manipulator by pinpointing some of his methods that make people believe in black and Latinos being a threat to the nation. One of these methods were requesting an article at Breitbart, a far-right American news network, that compares real life to a book that displays anti-racist protestors as “anarchists” and “agitators” wanting to destroy the white world (Guerrero Stephen Miller’s Dystopian America). Another method that Guerrero mentioned was that Miller used a mother’s pain of losing a son by an immigrant, to make her give inaccurate statistics on the violence of migrants during a speech. An additional method done by Miller was giving false black crime rates to Breitbart. The fact that these were only some of the many strategies highlighted in the article gives the audience a reason to believe that Stephen Miller is a manipulator that has a goal to reconstruct this country in order to keep black and Latinos from entering. |
Purpose: | The purpose of the article is to portray how Stephen Miller uses language to manipulate his audience. Stephen Miller uses rhetoric from books like “The Camp of Saints” to continuously instill the narrative of white supremacy on the American people. The article discusses how Miller uses specific words for speeches given by Mr. Trump’s administration. Stephen Miller knows what words to use and how to use his words to divide our already divided society. It perpetrates the hatred within the White supremacist community towards the Black and Latino communities. The article is a breakdown of how Mr. Miller knows exactly how to use rhetoric to express his supremacist ideals and his “dystopian America.” Jean Guerrero, the writer of this article, perfectly exposes Stephen Miller and how impactful the use of language is. |
Tone: | The tone of the article is critical because in the article it highlights Stephen Miller’s use of language and how he tries to brainwash his audience by telling them that black and brown people are a threat to the nation. For instance in the article it says, “He sees them as a threat to America’s prosperity and national security.” This exemplifies the critical tone because it portrays Miller as a biased person. Furthermore, in the article it says, “Mr. Miller has repeatedly given her a platform……that inaccurately paint migrants as more innately violent than citizens.” This also showcases the critical tone because it tells how Miller is using his platform for the political purpose and for self-advantage. Moreover, the tone of article is critical because Miller has depicted as a white supremacist and biased person. |
Audience: | The audience in the NY Times article that the author Jean Guerrero is speaking to is the public, especially people that will be voting in the elections this November and Joe Biden’s supporters. Guerrero analyzes the tactics Trump and Stephen Miller are using to gain supporters by “pushing a white nationalist agenda through narratives about national identity, prosperity and security.” Stephen Miller, Trump’s speechwriter and senior policy adviser, uses a book from Jean Raspail that characterizes anti-racists as a form of agitators and anarchists and Guerrero take on this is that “language is a tool for shaping minds, and Mr. Miller knows how to weaponize it.” The way Guerrero describes Mr. Miller’s tactics as a sort of “weapon”, it portrays his opposing side on Trump’s campaign. However, Guerrero also sees that as Trump adopts white supremacy methods, a new solidarity is emerging among minority groups, “The Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket reflects this new solidarity.” Ultimately, Guerrero’s choice of audience is revealed when his purpose is also exposed, which is his support for Joe Biden’s campaign. |
Design/Medium | The medium of this article is the New York Times website, which is easily accessible to anyone on the internet. The New York Times appeals to a young, left leaning, democratic audience. Furthermore, the purpose of the article is to break down how Stephen Miller manipulates language to push forward a damaging narrative, essentially that Black, Brown, and their allies are out to get White America. Young people in general are active and engaged on the internet, and through uses of retweets, sharing, and hashtags, an overarching representation of a certain audience’s opinion can be expressed on the internet through social media sites. This medium is therefore effective in reaching its intended audience to engage the content of this article. |
Mind Map
I shared this image with my peers on a discussion board post to share my thought process in how I was going to respond to the prompt for the CRA essay.

Floating Citations
I shared this paragraph with my peers on a discussion board post to provide my example of a floating citation. I wasn’t able to connect the highlighted quote back to my topic sentence, so it did not fit in the paragraph. Because of this, I ended up removing it. Still, it’s an example of me sharing my writing process with my peers.